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Bryan Adams - I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You .mp3
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اختراعات لم يكتب لها المجد

تبدأ كل الاختراعات تقريباً كفكرة طائشة وقبل ان يقف اي اختراع جديد على قدميه فان الناس عادة ما يسخرون منه وقد تعود سخريتهم الى انهم لم يفهموا الفكرة تماماً او لانهم لايستطيعون تخيل اية فائدة من وراء هذا الاختراع وكثيراً ما يكون اولئك الساخرون على حق ومع هذا فقد قدر لعدد قليل من الافكار الطائشة النجاح والمجد وصارت بعد ذلك اختراعات عظيمة والكثير منها لم يحدث معه ذلك.

وأحد هذه الاختراعات التي لم يكتب لها المجد قد ولد عام 1840 في انجلترا وهو عبارة عن قبعة طويلة منفوخة قصد منها ان تحفظ لابسها طافياً اذا قدر له الوقوع في مياه عميقة. ولم يتوقف اصحاب مثل هذه الاختراعات الطائشة عن القبعات فحسب فقد صنع (سيسيل سليمب) من الولايات المتحدة الامريكية زوجاً من الاحذية الرجالي عام 1974 بشكل متطور اذ جعل الكعب مكان مقدم القدم والعكس على نعل الحذاء وهكذا تبدو آثار اقدام من يرتدي هذا الحذاء كما لو كان يسير في الاتجاه العكس وبهذا يستطيع تضليل اي انسان قد يقتفي اثره.

كما تطورت احذية النساء ايضا فقد اخترع الامريكان (مارت ارفنج) و(وليان ذنكان) عام 1960 احذية ذات كعوب عالية وبها اضواء تومض تسير من ترتديها. ولم يتوقف الامر عند هذا الحد بل ان بعض المخترعين قد عكفوا على اختراعات للحيوانات وليس للبشر. فقد اخترع «اندروجاكسون» من الولايات المتحدة الامريكية عام 1903 نظارات صغيرة تحمي عيون الدجاج من ان تفقأ في اثناء شجارها مع بعضها البعض.

كما سجلت امريكية تدعى «ساره روث» براءة اختراع عام 1868 لشمسيتين يمكن استخدامهما للخيول حتى تظل مستريحة في اثناء سيرها في الشمس،.. هل تتخيل حصانا يسير ومعه مظلة؟!!

واجهزة الانذار هي الاخرى اختراع مجنون وقد كان جهاز الانذار بسيارة الامريكي «توماس بورجارت» الذي اخترعه عام 1921 بسبب الكثير من الضوضاء اذ حاول احد سرقة السيارة وان كان يقوم ايضاً باطلاق قيود حديدية من تحت كرسي قائد السيارة تمسك بقدم اللص وتمنعه من الحركة حتى تصل الشرطة.

وغني عن القول ان هذه المنتجات لم تجعل مخترعيها من الاثرياء او المشهورين فكثير منهم كان ينكب على اختراعه يحاول ويحاول بينما كان الاخرون يسخرون منه ولكن المخترعين كثيراً ما استمتعوا بالضحكة الاخيرة.

ان حداً لم يبد اهتماماً بالمخترع الامريكي (تستر كارلوسون) وآلة النسخ التي ابتكرها في الثلاثينيات وكان قد حصل على براءة اخترع لفكرته وان كان يعوزه المال لبناء الالة وقد خذلته عدة شركات كبيرة وبعدما يزيد على خمسة اعوام اقدمت شركة صغيرة في النهاية على استثمار اختراع (كارلسون). فماذا كان اختراع كارلوسون؟ لعلك قد سمعت به . انه مخترع ماكينة النسخ والتصوير (زويروكس) التي اصبحت حالياً اشهر ماكينات التصوير في العالم.

ثم اتى بعد ذلك (جون هولاند) وقد كان يحلم طوال حياته بسفينة تسير تحت الماء وبالفعل قدم عام 1875 خطته الى البحرية الامريكية التي خذلته ولكنه عندما عرض سفينته (الغواصة) بعد ذلك بخمس وعشرين سنة فان البحرية كانت اول من بادر الى شراء كمية كبيرة منها.

وكان الامريكي (تشارلز جوديير) قد طلع ببعض الاستخدامات غير العادية للمطاط المفلكن (الذي تمت تقويته حتى لا ينصهر) ومنها المجوهرات المطاطية والبلاط المطاطي والصديريات المطاطية وربطات العنق المطاطية وقد كانت الفكرة براقة ولكن منتجاته لم تلق رواجاً ومات الرجل فقيراً عام 1860 ومن المؤسف ان السيارات لم تكن قد اخترعت وقتها حتى يعرف العالم فضل مطاط تشارلز ففي عام 1992 مثلاً استهلك العالم اكثر من تسعة ملايين طن من المطاط الصناعي تستخدم اساسا في صناعة اطارات السيارات.

ولم ينج (جورج فيريس الابن) من السخرية بسبب فكرته التي سماها (الهائلة) . فقد اعلن منظمو معرض دولي يعقد في شيكاغو بالولايات المتحدة عام 1893 عن حاجتهم الى عرض يجذب الانظار. واقترح (فيريس) بناء عجلة عملاقة من الصلب يبلغ قطرها 76 متراً ويتدلى حول محيطها 36 مقصورة للركاب وعندما تدور العجلة يتمتع راكبوها بدورة مثيرة.

لقد كان اختراع (فيريس) نموذجاً لعجلة فيريس التي نشاهدها اليوم بالملاهي.

والآن.. ماذا عنك انت؟ هل لديك فكرة طائشة؟ اذا كان الامر كذلك فقم بتنفيذها فربما كانت احدى افكارك الطائشة هذه اختراعاً عظيماً يساوي ثروة!!

Violence ... Sweeping the world of childhood

Became the talk of violence when the children of subjects common and thorny one time recently, it has a lot to talk about the events of the heroes "if you will" of children and adolescents, from different segments and social classes, and of course it was a cause for concern about the levels of in many different societies, has revealed a recent poll conducted in the United States that half the children surveyed have said that most frightens is to become one of what they love a victim of violence, and recorded another study that a quarter of school students have said at least incident of violence and one included a child or a family member or friend to them, and many of them were suffering from a lack of self-esteem or excessive crying or fear of injury or even different from the rates of death and twice what we find when the other children.

Represent the firearms in the United States the primary cause of mortality in children of all black males between the ages of (10-24) years, and the second reason when all children ages (10-14 years), and the third cause of death age (5-14 years), and in (1993) recorded that nearly half of U.S. homes have at least one weapon, I have conquered violence schools distorted the educational process, and destroyed the confidence of young adults, and dashing to the values of a pretty numerous, as well as Mvkda children feel safe, that of adolescents, so non-delinquents are joining gangs and Itaarcn between Packet and grandfather are not without significant risk, and more than a record that was approximately (15) million children there have suffered from the persecution of physical or sexual in their lives, the parents who are oppressing their children are not hurt their child physically and psychologically only, but rather teach the child how to use force to resolve any difficulties life had encountered, and often makes these parents of their son project to become the people persecuting others in the present (to his brothers, for example) and in the future (for children) - God forbid -.

The talk of violence leads us to talk about television, and of course we include with space stations and even video devices, the impact of violence contained in these media on children very dangerous, although some research has pointed out that this kind of effect it affects children who are inherently at risk to accept this, such as those who have aggressive behavior, but the truth much further, everyone Gallery of the dangers, and confirmed by research that indicates that the amount of violence programs on television and watched by one's childhood is one of the best indicators upon which to determine the future relationship Child violence during the years of adolescence, not to mention the impact of television on Iramj all aspects of educational and behavioral and social health of children.

A recent study showed that children who are exposed to influences redundant and a state of undernourishment also occur because of the television age of pre-school tend to be less happy in their lives and more aggressive in the role of child care and day care centers and preschools, the programs Allvazeltahlmyp and education specifically targeted to these children could support the development of their cognitive and their ability to read and acquire the language skills, and that television could provide the child news and information, but may not rely on the TV as a substitute for the essential role and is important for parents in the development of these events and awareness, but rather should be considered for television as supportive and not only in supporting this educational process that is essential for the rightful owners and they are the fathers and mothers first and then community bodies and especially the schools, it's more than a regard to the lives of the individual, the community is linked to the reality of each community and its future, For this, all parents are required to know what to watch their children on television, and should decide whether these programs were appropriate or not, as well as they explain to their children in terms of time allowed to watch television during, and for that, as well as course content of the programs and the interpretation of these views.

The tendency of children to violence, resulting primarily from the content of the structural heritage within the child to the extent and impact of the environmental is the largest and most dangerous, and the interaction of these factors is essentially critical of it, it is possible that we close our eyes to the facts and the facts comes out days and may coming to us from overseas, and we have to face it in a manner that their safety for children and their safety and safeguard their innocence yes, armed with weapons .. Ethics of virtue, and family structure of a coherent sound

Get rid of negative feelings

                           Get rid of negative feelings

D. Faki Ibrahim

The negative feelings build up inside the body, causing diseases, according to research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of "San Francisco" in 1986 that 93% of patients in hospitals due to the mind, when thinking incorrectly lead to the disruption of sensations, and thus to the emergence of symptoms disorder in the body movements and facial expressions and heart rate and breathing ... Etc. The cumulative ideas, feelings, and inability to control God - the Almighty - has created a mind to provide the rights of new ideas depending on what is present to him, and on this basis increase and expand ideas, then took shape in the mind the idea of the sense of a negative, this sense of more.

The evidence for that if you look at, and I thought something angers you, you will find that your sense of flared, and then if you look at a second later, you'll find that you feel more inflamed, because the mind starts from the last sense, then moves the sense of to another in the movement upward, causing accumulation in the sensations, which lead to a flare-mind emotional, high heart, knowing that the heart more than a hundred thousand times in one day without that person feels it, and that when he gets angry man changes blood pressure, and temperature of blood and body, and breathing rate becomes faster, and thereby increase heart rate, and with increased blood pressure in the case of the brain become warned, not all of this?
 Because someone is harassing his car or disagree with you in opinion?

"It is easier and better for you to control your feelings and your feelings, and learn the art of communication with others in your     business and your home and your university

Best foreign songs new 2011 MP3



                             Title Of Album: Top Of The spot

Year Of Release : 2011
youthrabat track list
Vol 1


01. Lady GaGa - Bad Romance (Spot Telecom Italya)

02. Robbie Williams - Bodies (Spot Istituzionale Vodafone)

03. Pixie Lott - Boys And Girls (Spot Wind) (03:05)

04. Melanie Fiona - La Vie En Rose (Melanie Fiona Rosato Remix)

05. Mika - We Are Golden (Spot Wind) (04:00)

06. Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun (Spot Unicredit-Genius Card)

07. The Hives - Tick Tick Boom (Spot Nuova Citroen C3)

08. Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy (Spot Gamma Opel)

09. Ben's Brother - Let Me Out (Spot Stroili Oro)

10. Ingrid Michaelson - Everybody (Spot Baci Perugina)

11. The Free Design - Love You (Spot Toyota)

12. The Kinks - She's Got Everything (Spot Dacia)

13. Sparks - Perfume (Spot D&G Time)

14. Digitalism - Zdarlight (Spot BMW X1)

15. Catherine Wheel - Heal (Spot Breil)

16. Donavon Frankenreiter - It Don't Matter (Spot Grancereale)

17. Etta James - Trust In Me (Spot Groupama Assicurazioni)

18. Bent - Silent Life (Spot Telecom Italya)

19. Umberto Tozzi - Ti Amo (Spot Vodafone Station)

20. The Platters - The Great Pretender (Spot Ikea
Vol 2


1. K'naan - Wavin' Flag (Coca Cola Celebration Mix) (Spot Coca Cola)

2. Noisettes - Never Forget You (Spot Vodafone)

3. Mika - Blame it on the Girls (Spot 3 Italia)

4. Ke$ha - Tik Tok (Spot Peugeot 107)

5. The Ting Tings - Shut Up and Let Me Go (Spot Fanta)

6. Ennio Morricone & Dulce Pontes - Your Love (Spot Enel)

7. Emma - Calore (Spot Bilboa)

8. Emilia - Big Big World (Spot Elena Miro')

9. Kt Tunstall - Suddenly I See (Spot Nestea)

10. Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me (Spot Kia Venga)

11. Michael Sembello - Maniac (Spot Coca Cola Light)

12. Bryn Christopher - the Quest (Spot Branca Menta)

13. Mika - Rain (Spot Telecom)

14. Yello - the Race (Spot Euronics)

15. Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk (Spot Maxibon Bite More)

16. Zee Avi - Bitter Heart (Spot Alpitour)

17. Deus - Everybody's Weird (Spot Toyota Yaris)

18. Ida Maria - I Like You So Much (Spot Breil)

19. Yuksek - Tonight (Spot Peugeot New Brand)

20. Crookers - Don't Just Stand There (Spot Converse)

21. The Record's Vs Serpenti - It's in Your Head (Spot Ceres)1


   media fire cd 2   

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